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Cookie Policy


ELMS Aviation Limited (registered in England with company number 09436348 and with its registered office at c/o Francis Clark LLP, North Quay House, Sutton Harbour, Plymouth, PL4 0RA) trading as ELMS Aviation (“We”, “we”, “Our”, “our, “Us”, “us”) believe in being transparent about our use of your information. This policy provides clear cut information about how and when we use cookies.  It should be read in conjunction with our privacy policy and the terms of use.


Yes. As described in our privacy policy, we use cookies and other technologies to ensure everyone who uses this website has the best possible, customised experience of the system.

Cookies also help our team to keep your account and personal information safe.

If you visit our website when your browser is set to accept cookies, we will interpret this as your consent to our use of cookies and other similar technologies. If you change your mind in the future about letting us use cookies, you can modify the settings of your browser to reject cookies or disable cookies completely.


A cookie is a small file placed onto your computer or other device when you visit a website.  We use cookies to allow us to recognise you and your preferences, improve the performance of our website and its functionality and collect analytical information for your benefit and the benefit of our subscribers and other business partners.

When we use the term cookie it also includes similar technologies for collecting and storing information.

Cookies are used on our website and on our applications (mobile or otherwise).


We use two types of cookies, persistent cookies and session cookies. Persistent cookies helps us to recognise you as a particular user, this makes it easier for you to return to our site without having to log in each time. Persistent cookies will remain in your browser and will be read by us when you revisit the site. Session cookies only stay in the system for as long as you are on the site or within the application.

Session and persistent cookies can be either first or third party cookies.  A first party cookie is set by the website being visited and a third-party cookie is issued by a different website to one that is being visited.  Our website uses a mixture of first party, session and persistent cookies.  The only third party cookies used by us are those provided by Google Analytics and Google Analytic opt-out, New Relic and TrackJS.  Third-party suppliers are responsible for the cookies they set on our website and you should go to their website for further information.


Most browsers will allow you to control their acceptance and use of cookies through their settings controls and preferences.

It is important to note that if you adjust your browser settings to limit cookies, it may have an overall negative effect on your experience of our website and systems and could potentially stop key functionality from working.

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